Rodgers Land Surveying - Logo
Rodgers Land Surveying
100 E Main St. C
New Albany , MS 38652
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(662) 534-7041
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Mortgage and ALTA/NSPS

Mortgage Loan Surveys

Founded in 1989
Free Estimates

(662) 534-7041
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Mortgage Loan Surveying Solutions

If you're looking to obtain a mortgage or a loan to buy a plot of land, a location survey may be required by the bank or your lending institution. The professionals at Rodgers Land Surveying are here to provide you with detailed surveying solutions. You can call us or visit our office to discuss your requirements.

Mortgage Loan and ALTA/NSPS Surveys

Features of mortgage loan surveys:
  • Includes a boundary survey with all interior improvements, such as house location, driveways or easements, as required by your lending facility
  • Missing corners are replaced
  • A map is provided as with all surveys
Features of ALTA/NSPS surveys :
  • A land title survey is a very detailed survey often required by lending institutions
  • Request to perform this type of survey must be in writing and include a list of all items required in the survey.
  • A list of items, known as table A requirements, located in ALTA/NSPS publication and by the title company being used should be included in what you provide us.
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